Devon Mortensen
Graduate Student, Physics CEI-related research interest: Understanding electrical energy storage materials using x-ray spectroscopy ...
Zaiyao Fei
Graduate Student, Physics CEI-related research interest: visually monitoring the motion of lithium ions inside electrodes. ...
Ahmad Eshghinejad
Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering CEI-related research interest: improving lithium ion batteries through smarter electrode designs ...
Jihui Yang
Kyocera Associate Professor, Materials Science & Engineering Email | Web site | LinkedIn CEI research interests: Materials for energy storage and conversion ...
Dianne Xiao
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Email | Web Site CEI-related research interests: The Xiao lab is a synthetic inorganic and materials chemistry group at the University of Washington. We are interested in how controlling both the local and long range self-assembly and structure of porous materials can lead to enhanced transport properties, new catalytic activity, and novel emergent behavior. ...
Alexandra Velian
Associate Professor of Chemistry Email | Web Site CEI-related research interests: Catalysis for clean energy, new materials for energy storage, atomically precise nanomaterials, interfacial chemistry. ...
Venkat Subramanian
Professor and Ernest Dashiell Cockrell II Chair in Engineering, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas - Austin Email | Web site | LinkedIn CEI-related research interests: Models and software for next generation batteries ...
Eric Stuve
Professor, Chemical Engineering Email | Website | LinkedIn CEI-related research interests: Li-ion and Li-oxygen batteries, solid oxide fuel cells ...
Walter van Schalkwijk
Affiliate Professor, Chemical Engineering Email | LinkedIn CEI-related research interests: advanced batteries for the tech industry, including power sources for mobile and wearable technologies, and electrochemical devices that enable reliable operation of data center infrastructure....
Cody Schlenker
Washington Research Foundation Innovation Associate Professor of Chemistry and Clean Energy Email | Web site | LinkedIn CEI-related research interests: Integration of synthetic chemistry and physical chemistry to explore fundamental principles and dynamic interfacial processes, to develop advanced materials design concepts for low-cost, high-efficiency energy conversion and storage devices ...
Lilo D. Pozzo
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Email | Web site | LinkedIn CEI-related research interests: Structured polymeric materials for batteries, fuel cells and solar cells. Self-assembly of plasmonic nanostructures. Neutron and x-ray scattering development of structure-function relationships in advanced energy materials. ...
Jim Pfaendtner
PI and Director of DIRECT Jagjeet and Janice Bindra Endowed Career Development Professor Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Email | Website | LinkedIn CEI-related research interests: Renewable energy, modeling of organic photovoltaics and complex ionic solutions, multiscale modeling ...