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Energy Storage

Research Overview

CEI researchers are pushing the envelope on batteries that can store much more energy than current lithium-ion cells. The goal is to develop breakthrough, but low-cost, materials and battery designs that can fully utilize new high-performing materials. Our researchers are also exploring high-density lithium-negative electrodes along with a variety of next-generation positive-electrode materials. Every advance in clean energy materials requires new knowledge and improvements in battery operations and control. Safely getting the longest life and highest performance out of each material is a critical part of our research.

Featured Researchers

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, Energy Storage

Corie Cobb

WRF Innovation Professor in Clean Energy and Mechanical Engineering

Jun Liu

Jun Liu

WRF Innovation Chair in Clean Energy

Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering

A headshot of a man standing in front of a chalkboard.

Jerry Seidler

Professor of Physics

, Energy Storage

Jihui Yang

Department Chair and Professor of Materials Science & Engineering

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