Erica Eggleton
My current research focuses on developing a battery and vehicle model that utilizes geographic information system (GIS) data to predict the state of health of lithium-ion battery packs for hybrid-electric buses. Advisor: Daniel Schwartz - Chemical Engineering ...
Christine Chang
I will develop synthetic protocols to control the passivation and doping of phosphorene nanosheets while preserving their underlying structure and tuning their optoelectronic properties. Advisor: Alexandra Velian - Chemistry ...
Emma Cave
I will be working on designing and implementing experiments to better understand the charge transfer kinetics and electric fields at a battery electrode/electrolyte interface using in-situ spectroelectrochemical measurements. Advisor: Cody Schlenker - Chemistry ...
Jonathan Witt
I will measure the rate of change of gas phase species with electrochemical impedance to give a set of stringent criteria for determining reaction mechanism and kinetics for co-electrolysis of C02 and H20. Advisor: Eric Stuve - Chemical Engineering ...
David Ung
We are interested in studying how the identity of the surface ligand affects cobalt and cobalt phosphide nanoparticles’ activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction. Advisor: Brandi Cossairt - Chemistry ...
Griffin Ruehl
My research focuses on two major challenges: the storage of solar and other forms of intermittent renewable energy, and carbon-neutral fuel and chemical production. Advisor: Charlie Campbell - Chemistry ...
Neal Dawson-Elli
My research will focus on using artificial neural networks to create surrogate models for physics-based battery models for parameter estimation, real-time control strategies, and educational tools. Advisor: Venkat Subramanian - Chemical Engineering ...
Yanbo Qi
I am planning to optimize the entire cell design during battery cycling. ...
Moke Mao
My goal is to design better ionic liquid (IL) for lithium battery and redox flow battery using molecular dynamic (MD) simulation and evolutionary algorithm ...
Ryan Kastilani
I will be working to develop a new membrane material for redox flow batteries RFB that is based on ceramic/ceramic-polymer hybrids produced using sol-gel processes. ...
Brian Gerwe
I will use SPM as an in operando witness of local events during global electrochemical measurements such as linear or nonlinear impedance to study battery operation. ...
Sung-Yuan (Jerry) Chen
I'm interested in computational simulation primarily focusing on next generation Lithium-metal batteries. ...