X-ray spectroscopy for all
easyXAFS, a startup founded by UW physics alum Dr. Devon Mortensen received $160,000 from the National Science Foundation under a Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer grant to develop a low-cost, tabletop x-ray spectrometer in collaboration with UW physics professor Jerry Seidler — the first such device targeted at undergraduate labs and industrial energy storage scientists. ...
Membrion awarded Department of Energy Grant to develop ion-exchange membranes at Washington Clean Energy Testbeds
The UW spinout will improve flow battery performance, cost under Small Business Innovation Research grant; becomes third company to win federal funding for work at Testbeds. ...
Revolutionary printer for sustainable electronics comes to Washington Clean Energy Testbeds
JCDREAM has awarded $631K to Professor J. Devin MacKenzie and the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds to purchase and install an ultra-high-resolution electronics printer developed in Japan. MacKenzie's group will use the printer to develop sustainable transparent conductive electrodes for flexible thin-film solar cells, displays and touch screens. ...
Three clean energy postdoctoral fellows awarded Mistletoe Research Fellowships
Chemistry postdocs Max Friedfeld, Daniel Kroupa and Jian Wang have been awarded Mistletoe Research Fellowships for the 2018-19 academic year. They will each receive a $10,000 Unfettered Research Grant that can be applied to almost any university-approved research-related activity. ...
How a “Game-changing” Gift is Supercharging UW Research
The Clean Energy Institute is among the recipients of a recent gift from the Washington Research Foundation that will help accelerate the Institute's discoveries of UW’s Clean Energy Institute from the laboratory to the marketplace. ...
A Long-term Grant to the University of Washington to Support the Clean Energy Institute
The Washington Research Foundation, a private nonprofit group that funds research and initiatives to commercialize innovations in the state, is making a large, long-term grant to the University of Washington to support the Clean Energy Institute ...