Sharing clean energy science and engineering with Washington community colleges
Each summer, community college teachers work with UW faculty to bring new clean energy research to undergraduate labs....
Collaborating for clean tech
Ted Cohen is a 4th year molecular engineering Ph.D. student, a DIRECT trainee, and a Testbeds user. Learn more about his research on perovskite nanocrystals for luminescent solar concentrators in this MolES Q&A! ...
CEI students spearhead initiative for collaborations between UW and Africa’s cleantech researchers
Sarah Holliday, Griffin Ruehl, and Breena Sperry are building connections with Africa's materials science and solar communities. ...
Researchers Uncover Design Principles for Polymers that Can Transport Both Ions & Electrons
David Ginger, CEI’s chief scientist, along with members of his research group, and students from professor Christine Luscombe’s lab, published a paper in Nature Materials this month that uncovers the design principles for making a conductive plastic polymer that can transport both ions and electrons more effectively. ...