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Zixiao Ma

CEI Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow Zixiao Ma works with electrical & computer engineering professor Baosen Zhang to develop machine learning-based, safety-critical controls for renewable energy-dominated microgrids. His research has been published widely in top power systems journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, including seven first-author papers. Ma completed his Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Iowa State University in spring 2023. At Iowa State, Ma led several innovative studies in power system dynamics and control, including four projects funded by the Power Systems Engineering Research Center and the Department of Energy totaling more than $2 million in...

Jungwon Choi

Assistant Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Jungwon Choi's research interests include high-frequency power converters, wireless power transfer for battery-powered vehicles, industrial and biomedical applications, magnetic designs, controls at high-frequencies, energy storage, and wide bandgap devices. In 2017, she was selected to the Rising Stars in EECS, received Unlock Idea awards from Lam Research in 2019 and 2020, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award in 2021. She is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics and a member of several IEEE committees. Email | LinkedIn...

Chaoyue Zhao

Dr. Zhao works on data-driven optimization methodologies to support strategic and operational planning in power systems management. She developed innovative data-driven approaches to enable effective decision-making under uncertainty for power system scheduling problems such as optimal power flow and unit commitment. Her analytical models advance scalable solution methods to improve cost-effectiveness, streamline daily power system operations, and mitigate system disruptions and risk. Email | Website...

Jiayi Li

I will work on large-scale integration of renewable energy resources such as rooftop solar PV: specifically, I will develop state-of-the-art tools at the intersection of machine learning and power system control to safely and efficiently integrate distributed energy resources. A motivating application for me is the integration of solar PV into the distribution system. They can both create large and rapid voltage fluctuations, as well as correcting them using inverter interfaces. Optimizing the actions of inverters is complex and computationally very challenging. Machine learning can be very helpful in designing the controllers but due to the uncertainty and volatility of the system, existing methods do...

A man in a collared shirt and sweater poses in front of a fountain.

Brian Johnson

Washington Research Foundation Innovation Assistant Professor of Clean Energy and Electrical & Computer Engineering Email | Web site CEI-related research interests: Power electronics, circuit design, power system dynamics, nonlinear controls and grid integration of renewable energy sources. ...