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Jiayi Li

I will work on large-scale integration of renewable energy resources such as rooftop solar PV: specifically, I will develop state-of-the-art tools at the intersection of machine learning and power system control to safely and efficiently integrate distributed energy resources. A motivating application for me is the integration of solar PV into the distribution system. They can both create large and rapid voltage fluctuations, as well as correcting them using inverter interfaces. Optimizing the actions of inverters is complex and computationally very challenging. Machine learning can be very helpful in designing the controllers but due to the uncertainty and volatility of the system, existing methods do...

Anne Goodchild

Dr. Anne Goodchild leads the University of Washington's academic and research efforts in the area of supply chain, logistics, and freight transportation. She is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and serves as Founding Director of both the Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics online Master's degree program and the Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center, the latter which launched the Urban Freight Lab (UFL) in 2016 to bring together the public and private sectors to address the challenges of the urban freight system by engaging in innovative research. Email | Website...

Mareldi Ahumada Paras

My research is focused on resiliency of power systems, specifically in recovery optimization after outages caused by extreme events such as hurricanes, earthquakes and storms. 1)  Use data driven case study to optimize utility schedules of repair crews and enhance the recovery phase of a power outage. 2) Quantify the impact of natural gas faults on power generating units in a co-optimized framework. Advisor: Daniel Kirschen - Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Wenqi Cui

Renewable energy sources have brought more uncertainties to the operation of energy systems. Two challenges emerge. Firstly, we generally do not know the exact model and parameters of these energy resources. Secondly, robustly incorporating the uncertainties in operations is intractable using traditional control methods. Machine learning, especially reinforcement learning techniques, can potentially overcome these challenges by interacting with the environment to find good control strategies. Despite its potential, reinforcement learning does not readily apply to critical physical systems with hard constraints. My research focuses on closing these gaps to allow for the robust control of inverter-interfaced devices in energy systems.  I will analyze problems with...

Ling Zhang

Ling Zhang

My research centers on the application of generative models in the context of renewable energy systems. By developing generative models, we can account for uncertainty without explicitly modeling probability. Advisor: Daniel Kirschen — Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Daniel Tabas

Daniel Tabas

My research aims to develop a robust control framework for improving transient stability margins in low-inertia grids, in order to safely accommodate more renewable energy. Advisor: Baosen Zhang — Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Lane Smith

Lane Smith

My research will focus on optimizing distributed energy resource (DER) utilization to ensure that maximum value is realized. Advisor: Daniel Kirschen — Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Yohan Min

Yohan Min

My research will utilize machine learning to classify neighbors based on socioeconomic features and predict local population trends to estimate energy demands due to residential solar (PV) and electric vehicles (EV). Advisor: Hyun Woo Lee — Built Environment ...

Yao Long

Yao Long

My research will focus on the optimization of energy storage system (ESS) utilization in radial distribution system voltage control, with the objective of achieving satisfactory voltage level while minimizing cost. Advisor: Daniel Kirschen — Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Chintan Pathak

Chintan Pathak

I plan to investigate fFinding the optimal locations of charging stations, for a city and state, and Multi-scale optimization involving grid, vehicles, and battery. Advisor: Don MacKenzie - Civil and Environmental Engineering ...

Atinuke Ademola-Idowu

The central theme of my research is on maintaining transient stability in a low-inertia power system network through inverter-connected distributed energy resources (DER) such as energy storage, solar, wind, etc. Advisor: Baosen Zhang - Electrical & Computer Engineering ...

Zhipeng Liu

The goal of my PhD study is to develop computationally efficient control techniques that are scalable to large power systems and provide provable guarantees on stability. Advisor: Radha Poovendran - Electrical Engineering ...