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Julisa Juarez

Department: Chemistry Advisor: David Ginger I am currently a third-year PhD student in the Department of Chemistry working in David Ginger's Lab. My research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of perovskite solar cell technology with the goal of creating a more efficient and robust solar energy material. My main research purpose is to aid in the upcoming commercialization of these novel perovskite devices!...

Kayla Morton

Department: Political Science Advisor: Aseem Prakash My research broadly addresses just transition policy within international climate politics. This year, I will continue my research on deep-sea mining by launching a public opinion survey examining support for deep-sea mining, given the ongoing international negotiations on exploitation. I also have an ongoing project looking at country-level support for a deep-sea mining moratorium. My other research considers climate governance in international negotiations and the influence of developing countries. In the future, I also plan to examine public support for emerging clean energy technologies and the tradeoffs individuals are willing to consider....

Ahmet Mesut Alpkılıç

Department: Mechanical Engineering Advisor: Ricky Wang I am a second-year PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, currently working under the guidance of Professor Ricky Wang. My research is centered on utilizing optical coherence tomography (OCT) and its various modalities to investigate morphological and dynamic changes in living tissue on a layer-by-layer basis. This work aims to advance our understanding of tissue structures and processes through precise imaging techniques. Specifically, I am applying OCT to examine both the surface and internal layers of solar cells. This approach aims to enhance fast, precise, non-destructive, and reliable material quality testing. It also aligns with CEI’s mission by contributing to the advancement...

Andrew Tang

Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering Advisor: Arka Majumdar My research focuses on integrated photonic systems that are predominantly on a silicon-on-insulator platform at the telecommunication wavelength. My main research directions are quantum simulations using coupled cavity arrays [CCA] and large-scale programmable integrated circuits [PIC]. My project on CCA’s will be an extension of my group’s previous research into simulating the Su–Schrieffer–Heeger [SSH] model with a 1D CCA. I aim to create a fully tunable, 2D CCA that will allow for simulation of 2D lattices such as graphene. My other aim is the creation of controllable PIC’s through the use of phase change materials such as SbSe....

Austin Wang

Department: Chemistry Advisor: Douglas Reed I'm a rising second year in the Chemistry department in the lab of Doug Reed doing research on 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). My research aims to impart porosity in these materials by linking individual sheets using organic molecules. Due to the large variety of TMDCs and their differing electronic properties, a facile and general method for creating porous TMDC structures could help in creating novel materials with unique electronic and magnetic properties....

Mai Nguyen

Department of Physics Faculty Advisor: Professor Xiaodong Xu The growing demand for faster and more efficient data processing and storage has driven the search for alternatives to traditional charge-based electronics. One promising option is spin wave, which is the collective disturbances of aligned spins in magnetic materials. These waves can transmit information with high fidelity over long distances without moving electric charge, significantly reducing energy loss due to heating and lowering power consumption in devices. My research focuses on observing and enhancing the so-called “nonlinear” in spin waves. By gaining precise control over these nonlinear interactions—similar to how we control diodes and transistors in traditional electronics—we...

Gianluca Rafael Delgado

Department: Physics Advisor: David Cobden Research Summary: The field of 2D materials has led to massive leaps forwards in our ability to study and control novel quantum phases in a variety of systems. So far much of the work in this field has focused on graphene based or semiconductor based structures but comparatively little work has been done on studying semi-metallic systems outside of graphene. My work as a 3rd year PhD student in the group of Prof. David Cobden will consist of using electronic transport to better understand the quantum phases of the 2D semi-metal tungsten ditelluride (WTe2) in the few-layer limit. Previous studies on WTe2...

Prasanna Raut

Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering Faculty Advisor: Prof Chaoyue Zhao Research: I'm researching optimal placement of layover charging stations for a fleet of  zero-emission buses, aiming to minimize costs and ensure grid stability. Additionally, I plan to develop Reinforcement Learning strategies for managing power distribution in wildfire-prone areas, focusing on preventing ignition risks while maintaining reliable electricity coverage. ...

Wenqin Chen

Department: Physics Advisor: Di Xiao Research statement: The dynamical creation and control of novel phases of materials promises applications in next-generation energy conversion and information processing technologies. Under the Fellowship, I’ll perform a comprehensive research to demonstrate that phonons, the collective crystal vibrations, are nano-scale analog of electric motors generating magnetism in quantum materials. Through theoretical analysis and computational techniques, my research aims to provide innovative and practical guidance towards future magnetic devices contributing to energy efficiency and sustainability....

Celine Liew

Department: Chemistry Advisor: Daniel Gamelin My research focuses on synthesizing and characterizing highly anisotropic Mn2+-doped II-VI nanoplatelet semiconductors that show prospects to serve as chromophores in Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs). LSCs are optical devices that leverage solar downconversion to overcome thermalization losses that lead to inefficiencies in solar photovoltaics. These materials absorb sunlight over a broad spectral region and emit lower-energy photons that are energetically well-matched to the optimal performance of the photovoltaic, increasing its overall efficiency. The transparent nature of these devices makes them well-suited as solar windows for integration into buildings. However, current LSCs lack emission directionality due to the scattering of emitted light which...

Fubin (Sophie) Song

Department: Chemistry Advisor: Dianne Xiao I am a third-year chemistry Ph.D. student in the lab of Professor Dianne Xiao. My research focuses on developing redox mediators for oxidative electrocatalysis. Redox mediators enable electrochemical transformations to occur at milder potentials, allow broader substrate scopes and increase selectivities of reactions compared to traditional electrochemical methods. Participation in CEI will be a tremendous opportunity for me to grow as a researcher because through which I can work with talented scientists across a variety of disciplines and share my knowledge back with the scientific community. I'm also excited to get involved in more outreach events through CEI....