Stuart Adler is Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington. Professor Adler received his PhD in 1993 from the University of California, Berkeley. After a postdoc at Imperial College, he was a staff scientist at Ceramatec, Inc. before rejoining academia in 1999. Professor Adler’s awards include a NSF-NATO postdoctoral Fellowship (1993), NSF Career Award (2001), Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award of the Electrochemical Society (2004), and UW Junior Faculty Innovator Award (2007).
CEI-related research: High-temperature oxide electrocatalysts facilitate a variety of reactions that are key to reversible interconversion of electrical and chemical energy, including O2 reduction, H2/H2O redox, and CO/CO2 redox. A universal challenge facing development of these materials is a lack of fundamental understanding of physical and chemical rates at local length scales (10-50 nm). Our work seeks to better understand the interplay of thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport properties at local length scales in determining overall rates in these materials.